The Enfield Community Center has multiple rooms available for use by family/friends/community groups, organizations, government bodies, and businesses for daytime, evening, and weekend use. The Enfield Community Center is wheelchair accessible. Free parking is available in our parking area. The indoor space includes an elegant Great Room to accommodate wedding receptions and other large gatherings of up to 200 people, a large kitchen/meeting room for groups of 40 or less, and a small meeting room for 12-14 people. The outdoor space includes a large, mowed area for outdoor weddings, a pavilion with water, electric, and 8 large picnic tables. There is also a playground with climbing structure, basketball hoops, and a volleyball court. Outdoor rentals include the use of the indoor restrooms. Enfield Community Center shall be made available on an equitable basis, regardless of the race, religion, sex, or affiliations of individuals or groups requesting their use. The Enfield Community Council, as the owner of the building, has the right to grant permission or deny meeting room use if the user cannot comply with Center use policy and depending on ECC program needs.
Reservation Options : One-time use: Reserve a room for a single event; eligible for future use if building rules were followed.
Multiple Use: Reserve a room for several meetings; there is no guarantee that space will be available at the same date and time each month. Advance booking is permitted for up to 3 months.
Annual Lease: Sign an annual lease for regular monthly meetings. Request a sample copy of the lease and arrange a meeting to discuss lease terms. Lease rates are set annually by the ECC board of directors. Certificate of Insurance Required for businesses and incorporated not-for-profit groups.
Refund Policy: Refunds are provided only if the meeting room cancellation is received 20 business days in advance (does not apply to wedding receptions). In the case of cancellations due to inclement weather or the Center closure, credit will be given towards future meeting space use.
On occasion, a group may be asked to relocate to another community meeting space due to a Center priority use – the Center will provide at least 20 days notice if such circumstance should arise and refund any money paid.
Rental Rates, Contact Debbie Teeter: 607-280-1495/[email protected]
Indoor Spaces:
Small Meeting Room: Under four hours: $30 ($25 for Enfield Residents)
Four hours to six hours: $40 ($35 for Enfield Residents)
Full day (up to eight hours): $50 ($45 for Enfield Residents)
Kitchen/ Small Meeting Room: Under four hours: $60 ($50 for Enfield Residents)
Four hours to six hours: $100 ($80 for Enfield Residents)
Full day (up to eight hours): $150 ($120 for Enfield Residents)
Great Room:
Option A: Facility for the Entire Weekend
$2500 ($2000 for Enfield Residents) includes use of Small Meeting Room and Large Kitchen/Meeting from Friday at 5:00 p.m. until Sunday at noon for Saturday weddings. All tables and chairs included. During nice weather it is possible to use part of the outdoor space for wedding ceremonies (See Outdoor Space section for details).
Option B: Facility for One Day Only – Friday, Saturday or Sunday
$800 ($700 for Enfield Residents) for Saturday, $700 ($600 for Enfield Residents) for Friday or Sunday.
Includes use of Small Meeting Room and Large Kitchen/Meeting from 10:00 a.m. until 10 p.m. of your selected day. All tables and chairs included. During nice weather it is possible to use part of the outdoor space for wedding ceremonies (See Outdoor Space section for details).
Other Events:
Under four hours: $300 ($250 for Enfield Residents)
Four hours to six hours: $400 ($350 for Enfield Residents)
Full day (up to eight hours): $800 ($700 for Enfield Residents)
*Special weekday rates for entire building: it is possible to rent the entire building for company retreats, business trainings, etc. Cost will be determined case by case.
Outdoor Space:
Pavilion: $100 per day ($80 for Enfield Residents), 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. $60 for half day ($40 for Enfield Residents), either 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. or 3:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. (PLEASE NOTE: if you are renting the morning half of the day, you must be completely cleaned up and out of the space and parking lot by 3:00 p.m.
Wedding Grounds: $350 per event ($300 for Enfield Residents), No cost if renting the Great Room for reception
Reservation Options : One-time use: Reserve a room for a single event; eligible for future use if building rules were followed.
Multiple Use: Reserve a room for several meetings; there is no guarantee that space will be available at the same date and time each month. Advance booking is permitted for up to 3 months.
Annual Lease: Sign an annual lease for regular monthly meetings. Request a sample copy of the lease and arrange a meeting to discuss lease terms. Lease rates are set annually by the ECC board of directors. Certificate of Insurance Required for businesses and incorporated not-for-profit groups.
Refund Policy: Refunds are provided only if the meeting room cancellation is received 20 business days in advance (does not apply to wedding receptions). In the case of cancellations due to inclement weather or the Center closure, credit will be given towards future meeting space use.
On occasion, a group may be asked to relocate to another community meeting space due to a Center priority use – the Center will provide at least 20 days notice if such circumstance should arise and refund any money paid.
Rental Rates, Contact Debbie Teeter: 607-280-1495/[email protected]
Indoor Spaces:
Small Meeting Room: Under four hours: $30 ($25 for Enfield Residents)
Four hours to six hours: $40 ($35 for Enfield Residents)
Full day (up to eight hours): $50 ($45 for Enfield Residents)
Kitchen/ Small Meeting Room: Under four hours: $60 ($50 for Enfield Residents)
Four hours to six hours: $100 ($80 for Enfield Residents)
Full day (up to eight hours): $150 ($120 for Enfield Residents)
Great Room:
Option A: Facility for the Entire Weekend
$2500 ($2000 for Enfield Residents) includes use of Small Meeting Room and Large Kitchen/Meeting from Friday at 5:00 p.m. until Sunday at noon for Saturday weddings. All tables and chairs included. During nice weather it is possible to use part of the outdoor space for wedding ceremonies (See Outdoor Space section for details).
Option B: Facility for One Day Only – Friday, Saturday or Sunday
$800 ($700 for Enfield Residents) for Saturday, $700 ($600 for Enfield Residents) for Friday or Sunday.
Includes use of Small Meeting Room and Large Kitchen/Meeting from 10:00 a.m. until 10 p.m. of your selected day. All tables and chairs included. During nice weather it is possible to use part of the outdoor space for wedding ceremonies (See Outdoor Space section for details).
Other Events:
Under four hours: $300 ($250 for Enfield Residents)
Four hours to six hours: $400 ($350 for Enfield Residents)
Full day (up to eight hours): $800 ($700 for Enfield Residents)
*Special weekday rates for entire building: it is possible to rent the entire building for company retreats, business trainings, etc. Cost will be determined case by case.
Outdoor Space:
Pavilion: $100 per day ($80 for Enfield Residents), 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. $60 for half day ($40 for Enfield Residents), either 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. or 3:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. (PLEASE NOTE: if you are renting the morning half of the day, you must be completely cleaned up and out of the space and parking lot by 3:00 p.m.
Wedding Grounds: $350 per event ($300 for Enfield Residents), No cost if renting the Great Room for reception
Building Use Policies
General Rules:
Emergency Contact information can be found on the bulletin board in the foyer.
Review locations of exits, fire extinguishers, and first aid kits (information below).
All visitors must sign-in at the podium in the foyer.
As per NY State law, smoking is not permitted in the building.
Alcoholic beverages may not be served or consumed on the premises without completing the required form and Center staff permission.
Adults must always supervise children and control crowds.
Candles are not permitted.
Recycling and proper waste disposal is required. Please use receptacles labeled for such purpose in rooms and the hallway.
Meeting Room:
Avoid being loud or playing amplified music, etc. as noises travel between rooms.
Adhere to your reservation schedule and vacate the room promptly after use.
Please move tables carefully and DO NOT sit on tables or stand on tables or chairs. Tables are not to be removed from the building without approval of Center staff.
Do not use thumb tacks or tape on walls.
Rooms must be picked up after use. Please take away everything that you bring.
Enfield Community Center is not responsible for securing or returning items you leave behind.
Room Set Up & Breakdown
Rooms are equipped with tables and chairs.
If you move tables and chairs, put them back as you found them.
Arrangements can be made to have tables and chairs set up in advance of your meeting through the Center staff. Request room set-up when you make your room reservation and submit it at least three days in advance of your event.
Groups are welcome to bring snacks and catered food for meetings.
On-site food preparation may be possible, check with Center staff.
All food must be removed from building or properly disposed of.
There are coffee makers in the kitchen for all to use, as well as a pot for heating water. Bring your own coffee/tea supplies.
UNPLUG the machines and empty and rinse the pots after use.
AV Equipment
The Great Room has a ceiling mounted overhead projector.
Whiteboards or easels are generally available, check with the Center staff.
The Great Room is equipped with microphone amplification.
If you are using the building at a time when Center staff is not available, a key to the front door can be issued. Arrange to pick up a key during Center hours from staff.
The key must be returned after use to the Center staff during Center hours or left in the Key Drop Box at the sign-in podium on the foyer. A deposit may be required before a key is issued.
Lost key fee: groups will be charged $100 if the key they were issued is not returned within 2 weeks.
Before You Leave The Building
Complete the “Before You Leave” Checklist and leave at the sign-in podium in the foyer.
If you are the last group in the facility at night or on weekends, please make sure all doors are locked and lights are out including in bathrooms and hallways. (Some lights cannot be turned off for security reasons.)
Advertising Your Event Or Meeting
Groups NOT affiliated with the Enfield Community Council (ECC) or programs of ECC must make it clear in advertising that ECC is NOT a sponsor/co-sponsor or co-host of the meeting or activity of your group.
ECC is not responsible for handling calls about events being held by groups NOT affiliated with ECC.
Do NOT list the ECC phone number in event publicity.
Required language for publicity: o XXX meeting is being held at the Enfield Community Center located at 162 Enfield Main Road, Ithaca, NY. This is not a program of ECC and the use of ECC meeting rooms does not imply endorsement of this program or activity by ECC.
In Case Of Emergency
Accident Procedures
1. Stop what you are doing.
2. Eliminate the immediate cause of the accident. Evacuate the building if necessary.
3. Summon assistance accordingly – during a weekday, find a Center staff member; during evening or weekend if a person is injured or in case of fire – call 911.
4. Complete the accident report form that can be found in each room next to the first aid kit; leave it at the front desk.
There is a phone on the Kitchen counter, direct dial out.
First Aid Kits are located on top of the refrigerator in the Kitchen and on the shelf over the sink in the Community Library.
Fire Evacuation Procedures
Fire Extinguishers are located in each room.
1. Call 911
2. Evacuate the building; exits are clearly marked. Make sure everyone leaves the building, close doors as you leave. 3. If clothing catches on fire, STOP, DROP and ROLL.
*ECC is committed to creating a safe, inclusive, and diverse environment that actively embraces the uniqueness of every Enfield community member and supports equitable youth and community development.